
This document outlines the typographic scale and styles for the Designership website or application. It details the font sizes, line heights, and tracking values for various text elements, ensuring a harmonious and consistent visual hierarchy across different platforms (desktop and mobile).

Key Elements Defined:

  • Headings (H1-H6): Specifies styles for six levels of headings, each with distinct sizing and spacing to create a clear visual hierarchy. Both desktop and mobile styles are provided.
  • Paragraphs (XL, L, M, S, XS): Defines styles for different sizes of paragraph text, allowing for flexibility in content presentation.
  • Overlines (L, S, Label): Outlines styles for overlines, likely used for introductory or labeling text.
  • Other Elements: Includes styles for general text, link text, and potentially captions or small text elements.

Technical Specifications:

  • Font Sizes: Measured in pixels (px) for precise control.
  • Line Heights: Also in pixels (px), determining the vertical spacing between lines of text for readability.
  • Tracking: Adjusts the spacing between individual characters, measured in either a percentage or pixel value. Negative tracking brings characters closer together.


This document serves as a guide for designers and developers to maintain a consistent typographic style across the Designership platform. It ensures readability, visual appeal, and a cohesive user experience. The inclusion of both desktop and mobile specifications highlights the importance of responsive design.


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