Spike VueJS Admin Dashboard Design

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Spike VueJs Admin Dashboard Template is a comprehensive, feature-rich solution designed for developers to create modern and efficient web applications. It provides a clean and minimalist design, built entirely with Vue.js, ensuring seamless performance and flexibility. The template comes with pre-designed dashboards, UI components, widgets, charts, and tables, enabling developers to quickly set up admin panels, CRM systems, or project management tools.

Spike supports customizable layouts, multiple color schemes, and responsive design, ensuring device compatibility. Additionally, It includes easy-to-integrate plugins, detailed documentation, and ongoing support, making it a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced developers.

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What you Get with Spike VueJS Admin Dashboard Template

  • Rich Application Designs:With over 12 stunning application designs like Calendar, Chat, and User Profile, Spike VueJs elevates your user interface to an art form.
  • Comprehensive Toolkit:Offering more than 65 page templates and 45 UI components, this template simplifies the development process, while allowing for extensive customization.

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Download Spike VueJS Dashboard Template

Spike VueJS Admin Dashboard Design 3

Features of Spike VueJS Admin Dashboard Template

  • RTL Dashboard version
  • Vuetify & Vite & Typescript & VueJs
  • Frontend Pages Included
  • 5 unique demos
  • Figma Designs with most of the pages
  • 2+ unique dashboards
  • 3400+ Font icons
  • Dark and light sidebar themes
  • Axios Included
  • 45+ UI Components
  • i18n Vue Added
  • Authguard Included
  • 70+ Page Templates
  • Widgets and UI components
  • Vue3 Carousel
  • Application Designs
  • 6 color skins
  • Completely responsive pages
  • Charts & tables

VueJS Templates Integration🔗with Popular Frameworks🖥️

If you’re looking for Admin Templates built with a specific framework, here are some options to explore: Bootstrap templatesAngular templatesReact TemplatesVue dashboardsTailwind CSS Admin DashboardsVuetify TemplatesNuxt TemplatesMUI Templates.

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