Discovery Workshop for Software Recomendation service

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See figjam


Why do Discovery workshop?

  • Understand existing research and gather existing knowledge in order to determine additional research plans over the course of the project
  • Understand stakeholder expectations
  • Build a mutual understanding of the overall project direction, key milestones, and vision for the entire team
  • Get a glimpse into the broader context (e.g., culture, parallel efforts, etc.) that may affect the project


  • Understand existing research and gather existing knowledge
  • Understand stakeholder expectations
  • Build a common understanding of the overall project direction, key milestones, and vision for the entire team
  • Minimize the risk of building the wrong thing
  • Understand who the customers are and how the product will improve their lives
  • Define what sets the product apart in the market
  • Define what success looks like


Some of the desired and expected outputs from a discovery workshop are:

  • Aligned product vision and purpose inside the whole team
  • Setting clear, realistic goals for the product
  • Define the target audience, user personas, flows, and scenarios,
  • Sketch the User Journey mapping
  • Aligned vision over the project roadmap and priorities

Workshop Details

Date and Time: 15 Jan, 2024, 10:00AM to 4:00PM

Location: Meeting room 1

Participants: Facilitators: 2 (UX Lead and Product Manager) : Designers: 1, Engineers: 2, Stakeholders: 3, Observers: 1


  1. Define a goal and output for the workshop.
  2. Decide on workshop participants.
  3. Gather needed materials
  4. Plan your agenda


  1. Introductions (Workshop intro, attendee intro) — 15 min
  2. Design process overview (Walkthrough the design process steps, milestone and desirable outcome for each) — 15 min
  3. My first job Icebreaker activity - 15-20 min
  4. Stakeholder interview (About the Client, Business Goals & Objectives)- 45 min
  5. Assumption mapping (Mapping how desirable, viable and feasible is the product)- 45 min
  6. break- 15 min
  7. Who are our users — 45 min
  8. What are your user's goals (Get everyone to know the users better) — 30 min
  9. Personas — 45 min
  10. Lunch — 60 min
  11. Brain dump exercise (Great way to generate a lot of ideas)- 60 min
  12. Voting — 15 min
  13. Discuss the results — 15 min
  14. Coffee break — 15 min
  15. User journey mapping (Will help generate feature ideas)- 90 min
  16. Coffee break- 15 min
  17. Present journey — 30 min
  18. Final review — 60 min
  19. Coffee break- 15 min
  20. Feature prioritization — 90 min
  21. Coffee break — 15 min
  22. Define MVP — 90 min


Great keep it up the ideas and implementation it

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