Deeply - Your Mindful Companion

This is Deeply (a real app I'm building), Deeply is your best companion when you stop your addiction (tobacco, alcohol etc...).

I red one day that 70% of people which quit smoking get back to it under one year because of a lack of motivation and support. Deeply is the Companion app that will resolve this problem (I hope).

Deeply is build for mobile because recovery support needs to be accessible at any moment, especially during crisis periods. My user research showed that people are most vulnerable to relapse during evening hours and weekends when traditional support systems may be unavailable and it's easier to have your phone in your pocket than your computer.

Through interviews with people trying to quit, I found three main problems:

Progress Tracking People get discouraged when apps only show success or failure. They need a way to see all their progress, even small wins. Deeply shows different types of progress like money saved and health benefits.

Mental Health Support Quitting is hard on your mind. People need quick help when they feel like giving up. Deeply has short meditation sessions and mood tracking to help during tough moments. These tools are easy to find and use whenever you need them.

Community People do better when they don't feel alone. But many are shy about sharing their journey. Deeply has an anonymous community where you can share your progress and support others without showing your identity.

Deeply - Your Mindful Companion 1

Design Choices

  • Dark theme
  • Soft colors: To make the app feel calm and friendly
  • Simple tracking: Green dots for good days, red for harder ones
  • Clear numbers: Money saved and health gains are easy to see

Main Features

  • Track multiple addictions at once
  • Quick meditation sessions for craving moments
  • "Social Media" feature where people can support each other when they reach their goals or they are in doubt and need support
  • Daily mood tracking
  • Progress rewards

I'm currently testing Deeply in beta. If you'd like to try it or know more, send me a message!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium pulvinar odio aliquet condimentum suspendisse nibh vel arcu. Bibendum in imperdiet sapien quisque odio gravida. Malesuada aliquet elit egestas placerat amet. Ornare in scelerisque ut gravida amet. Tristique amet amet bibendum enim cursus. In vehicula mauris tincidunt arcu aliquam nunc. Tincidunt vitae netus ante eu et bibendum. Eget amet nibh vel est congue tellus tortor grav
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium pulvinar odio aliquet condimentum suspendisse nibh vel arcu. Bibendum in imperdiet sapien quisque odio gravida. Malesuada aliquet elit egestas placerat amet. Ornare in scelerisque ut gravida amet. Tristique amet amet bibendum enim cursus. In vehicula mauris tincidunt arcu aliquam nunc. Tincidunt vitae netus ante eu et bibendum. Eget amet nibh vel est congue tellus tortor gravida nascetur. Ut vestibulum elit pulvinar netus in ante lectus turpis auctor. Nulla purus morbi adipiscing quisque in sodales aliquet. Ultricies a elit quis metus. Ali
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium pulvinar odio aliquet condimentum suspendisse nibh vel arcu. Bibendum in imperdiet sapien quisque odio gravida. Malesuada aliquet elit egestas placerat amet. Ornare in scelerisque ut gravida amet. Tristique amet amet bibendum enim cursus. In vehicula mauris tincidunt arcu aliquam nunc. Tincidunt vitae netus ante eu et bibendum. Eget amet nibh vel est congue tellus tortor gravida nascetur. Ut vestibulum elit pulvinar netus in ante lectus turpis auctor. Nulla purus morbi adipiscing quisque in sodales aliquet. Ultricies a elit quis metus. Aliquet cras pretium platea lacinia mi et orci volutpat vulputate. Bibendum massa fusce...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium pulvinar odio aliquet condimentum suspendisse nibh vel arcu. Bibendum in imperdiet sapien quisque odio gravida. Malesuada aliquet elit egestas placerat amet. Ornare in scelerisque ut gravida amet. Tristique amet amet bibendum enim cursus. In vehicula mauris tincidunt arcu aliquam nunc. Tincidunt vitae netus ante eu et bibendum. Eget amet nibh vel est congue tellus tortor gravida nascetur. Ut vestibulum elit pulvinar netus in ante lectus turpis auctor. Nulla purus morbi adipiscing quisque in sodales aliquet. Ultricies a elit quis metus. Aliquet cras pretium platea lacin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pretium pulvinar odio aliquet condimentum suspendisse nibh vel arcu. Bibendum in imperdiet sapien quisque odio gravida. Malesuada aliquet elit egestas placerat amet. Ornare in scelerisque ut gravida amet. Tristique amet amet bibendum enim cursus. In vehicula mauris tincidunt arcu aliquam nunc. Tincidunt vitae netus ante eu et bibendum. Eget amet nibh vel est congue tellus tortor gravida nascetur. Ut vestibulum elit pulvinar netus in ante lectus turpis aucto

Amazing Use of Gamification. Amazing App

Thanks Muhammad ! Appreciate it

It's looking really good. Nice idea. I would like to give a suggestion to improve the contrast of smaller texts (body or paragraph). Thank you!

Hey Abu, Thanks for your feedback ! Yes, I increased the contrast between body text color and the background. Have a nice day :)

Hi Kevin, loving the idea of the app. Especially showing small wins, I know from having a binge eating disorder (which also falls into the category of addictions) that it's great to be able to review your journey. Without falling into the trap of getting bogged down on the failures and showing the smallest of victories to lift you out of the bad vibes.

The color theme as well as being able to interact easily speaks to me. One thing I am curious about is whether you could incorporate more helpful feedback once you've 'messed up' so to speak. So help me pick up the line again.

I am also curious to see whether this applies to all addictions or if selecting specific themes or addictions would be helpful to a user. So they can really 'niche' down on their specific demon they're battling!

Best of luck, looking forward to iterations.

Hey Mark ! Thanks for your kind feedback, to answer to your question yes you will be able to choose between "main" addiction and have an "other" option to create your own. I will let you know when it's live :) Bests
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