Designing Mobile Logins, Signups, & Other Forms

Discover what goes into creating short and clear login/signup forms
Designing Mobile Logins, Signups, & Other Forms Lesson

A Log In or Sign Up page is usually the first step of a user journey within your app. If something goes wrong here, you risk losing your users before they learn how amazing and functional your app is.

It may seem like a fairly easy task to design logins and signups — what could possibly go wrong? Redundant questions, disappearing placeholders, unclear password instructions, an ambiguous password recovery process, or the inability to log in via a Google account are just some of the issues your users can experience if your forms are poorly designed.

Short and clear login/signup forms are forms of art. Their best practices are suitable for other forms too. Ultimately, all forms should follow the principles of simplicity and clarity to fulfill users' needs.

Simplify your forms Bad Practice
Simplify your forms Best Practice

Users expect login/signup forms to take only a few minutes to complete. When they encounter forms asking for irrelevant information, they leave. Additionally, ambiguous input labels and general error messages reduce the likelihood of form completion.

How can designers simplify login/signup forms on mobile? Limit questions to only the most relevant ones. Too many obstacles can discourage users from exploring the app. Let them enjoy the app first, then ask for details at a more appropriate time.

Sometimes, apps need more data to unlock full functionality. To prevent abandonment, here are tips to make long forms less overwhelming:

  • Use smart defaults that match most users' preferences.[1]
  • Automatically prefill data based on permissions, like location or personal info.
  • Implement input masks to reduce cognitive load and adjust input formatting automatically.
Top-align labels Bad Practice
Top-align labels Best Practice

With desktop forms, you have more freedom with space and can place labels on the left or right. On mobile, extra horizontal room is a luxury, so top alignment works best, especially for labels of varying lengths.

Additionally, top-aligned labels always stay visible when an onscreen keyboard is activated, taking up a large portion of the screen. Users don't need to strain their memory to remember what type of information they're asked to type in.[2]

Keep labels visible Bad Practice
Keep labels visible Best Practice

In space-limited designs, placing labels above inputs may not be possible. Is there another way to keep labels visible within inputs?

Using placeholders instead of labels isn’t ideal. When users click an input, the placeholder disappears, making it hard to remember what information is needed, especially if they leave and return later. They would have to tap outside the input to see the placeholder again, which adds unnecessary steps.

Floating labels address this issue. They move above the input when users click it, keeping the label visible at all times without adding extra steps or causing confusion, even if users leave and return to the page.

Provide multiple signup and login options

Social login/signup or third-party login/signup is a simplified method to log in or join an application. Instead of creating a new account, it uses existing login information from a social media profile on Google, Twitter, Facebook, or other networks. Users prefer social logins and are more likely to register on an app if it offers this feature.

This technique has other advantages too:

  • Reduced interaction cost: Instead of typing their email or phone number and creating a password, users just need to press one button with the desired social network provider.
  • You don't need to verify emails: Users tend to provide fake emails when registering on apps. Social login protects your app from unverified data because social network providers verify users' email addresses. Additionally, the providers handle the password recovery process.[3]
Provide the option to show a password Bad Practice
Provide the option to show a password Best Practice

Commonly, signup forms may ask users to confirm their password, so users can make sure the password they have typed is correct. Instead, you can minimize the number of inputs by allowing users to view the entered password.

Adding a tiny eye icon keeps the form minimalistic and reduces interaction cost. Plus, users feel more in control when they can view the otherwise-hidden data they provided and check its correctness. No need to mention that login forms benefit from this feature, too!

Pro Tip! Hide passwords by default.

Keeping users logged into an app for convenience might seem like a good idea, especially since mobile users are often multitasking and switching between apps. Asking them to enter their credentials every time they open the app can be frustrating. However, this needs to be balanced with security, especially for apps that deal with sensitive information.

For example, banking apps usually log users out after a period of inactivity to protect their data. Many apps set a timeout period, often around 10 minutes, after which users are automatically logged out if there’s no activity.[4]

To keep the app secure, consider these steps:

  • Biometric authentication: Use fingerprint scanning or facial recognition for quick, secure login.
  • Strong password policies: Require users to create strong, secure passwords.
  • Session monitoring: Alert users if they log in from a new device, so they can spot any unauthorized access.
Allow usernames or emails to be remembered

Whenever users open a banking app or another app that stores their confidential data, they expect that it's safe and compliant with all security standards. Nevertheless, entering credentials each time they open an application is a huge pain in the neck.

To make their experience less tedious, offer them the Remember Me option. Instead of keeping users logged in forever, it remembers their username or email, pre-filling it and asking for a password only on subsequent visits. It's a more secure method than saving all their information for the next login.

In apps that don't require higher security, the Remember Me function is sometimes used to save users' password, and may even log them in automatically when they open the app. However, it's better to use a "Keep me logged in" option to make it clear that this is the behavior users should expect.

Opt for emails and phone numbers instead of usernames Bad Practice
Opt for emails and phone numbers instead of usernames Best Practice

Social network apps often ask users to create a unique username as they help users identify themselves among others. Beyond that, are usernames necessary at all? Login/signup forms that ask for a username create an extra cognitive load, forcing users to create and remember their usernames for their subsequent sessions.

Provide alternative ways to log in using their emails or phone numbers. These are easier to remember. Plus, logging in or signing up with an email address is more secure because it's usually not seen by other app users, reducing the chance of an account being hacked.

Make it easy to reset passwords

On average, users open around 9 apps in a day and 30 apps in a month.[5] Some of these apps contain sensitive data and require users to enter their credentials each time they enter an app.

Even though users generally ignore security recommendations and use the same password across several apps, they may still forget their passwords. Plus, it might be challenging to type a password correctly, especially when users are on the go or in a hurry.

Forgetting a password is a stressful experience, and not understanding the next steps can worsen it. By letting users reset their passwords, you demonstrate empathy and give them hope that they can restore access to their accounts.

Provide a few password recovery options via email, voice calls, or SMS. Even if users have lost access to their email and phone, don't leave them hanging. Provide a link to your support chat or a contact email where they can get more help.

Pro Tip! Once a user clicks the Forgot Password button, ensure they can view clear and direct instructions on what to do next.

Use instant validation

The only thing users hate more than forms are forms that wait to validate inputs until after the user clicks the Submit button. Inline validation evaluates filled-in data immediately after users finish typing and removes focus from the input.

One of the main perks of inline validation is that users instantly notice errors and spend less time fixing them. As a result, such forms require less cognitive load and have higher conversion rates.[6]

Other things to consider when implementing inline validation:

  • Make sure that the validation result is displayed next to the input field. It helps users identify erroneous information faster.
  • Use the right visual indicators. For example, the color green and the checkmark icon are good for indicating success. The color red and the cross icon are standard for showing failure.
  • Avoid premature inline validation that instantly checks an input when users start typing. An exception to this is when users are inputting their password, as it can let them know which requirements are still missing from their input (such as special characters or capital letters).

Pro Tip! Use clear, concise, and conversational language for error messages.

Allow switching between login and signup Bad Practice
Allow switching between login and signup Best Practice

Log In and Sign Up pages may sometimes resemble each other. Your job is to help users switch between pages as quickly and easily as possible if they accidentally land on the wrong page.

To allow easy switching between Log In and Sign Up pages:

  • Use titles to indicate the current page clearly.
  • Place the link redirecting to the login/signup page where users expect to encounter it. Usually, it should sit above the inputs.
  • Use clear language that eliminates any guesswork on what happens after users click this link.
  • Third-party buttons allowing log in or sign up with Google, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts should be present on both Log In and Sign Up pages.

Pro Tip! Alternatively, you can create two tabs to switch between the Signup and Login pages.

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