Course description

Learn the basics of 3D design and start designing amazing and mind-bending experiences.

What you’ll learn with 3D Design Foundations

  • Learn about the applications and use cases of 3D design — Explore the various industries and areas where 3D design is used, such as video games, product design, architecture, and immersive experiences like AR and VR.
  • Get to know 3D shapes and lighting — Learn about the different types of 3D shapes, materials, surfaces, shading, lighting techniques, and their importance in creating realistic 3D designs.
  • Fully understand the concept of depth and the XYZ coordinate system — Familiarize yourself with the concept of depth and understand the XYZ coordinate system in 3D to create complex and realistic designs that stand out.
  • Master rendering styles and techniques — Explore different rendering techniques, such as ray tracing, rasterization, etc., that will help you create high-quality and visually stunning 3D designs.


There are no prerequisites

Contributing experts

Alejandro León
Alejandro León
Founder at Spline
Gonçalo Teixeira
Gonçalo Teixeira
Product Designer at Spline
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  • Who is the 3D Design Foundations course suitable for?

    The 3D Design Foundations course is suitable for anyone interested in 3D design, whether they are a beginner or an experienced designer. This course offers valuable insights and resources to improve your understanding of 3D design, which can help you create products that are user-friendly and efficient, ultimately increasing engagement and retention rates.

    In addition, the course can help UI and web designers better understand how colors, lighting, and shadows work in a 3D environment. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in 3D design or just want to test the waters, the 3D Design Foundations course is a great resource for understanding whether this field is the right fit for you.

  • Do I need to have a certain background in 3D Design to take this course?

    No, a certain background in 3D Design is not required to take the 3D Design Foundations course. The course is designed to make even inexperienced designers feel comfortable taking it. However, if you have experience playing around with objects in 3D design software, you may find this course easier to learn.

  • Do I need special software to take this course?

    To complete the exercises and projects in the 3D Design Foundations course, you will need access to 3D design software. Uxcel recommends Spline, a free real-time collaborative 3D design tool that allows you to create 3D experiences within the browser or download the software to your computer (Spline supports Windows, Mac OS, and Linux). However, you are free to use any 3D design software of your choice.

  • What are the pricing options for the course?

    For new learners, the first level of each course is available free of charge! This allows you to experience the course without any initial investment.

    However, if you're seeking a deeper and more comprehensive learning journey, we recommend our Pro Membership. With this subscription, you gain full access to all our courses, which includes additional lessons, engaging design challenges, and thorough assessments.

    Additionally, Pro Membership entitles you to receive a certificate upon completion of a course and personalized feedback from experts for all your challenge submissions. To explore the pricing details and find the best plan for your learning needs, please visit our pricing page.

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