Become a certified UX design professional today.
Learn more
  • Is a subscription required to access certification?

    Yes, Uxcel Certifications are currently only available to individual Pro subscribers and members of Teams subscriptions.
  • What is the allotted time to complete the timed certification exam?

    Each certification is timed at 120 minutes. We believe that this time limit can give you enough breathing room to thoroughly think and go through the questions to ensure you score the highest score possible.
  • What should be my expected time commitment for getting certified?

    You will have two attempts to complete your assessment, with no time restrictions between each attempt. We recommend taking at least 7 days to prepare for the certification exam. While you’ll have 2 hours to complete the exam, most users typically finish it in just under an hour.
  • How can I ensure that I'm ready for certification?

    To prepare for your certification, we recommend the following steps:

    - Complete the courses recommended for the certification you're pursuing
    - Take similar assessments to compare your skills to other designers at your level of expertise and seniority
    - Practice with sample questions and score yourself to gauge your readiness

    Once you've completed these tasks, you'll be well-prepared to obtain your certification and achieve the highest score possible.
  • How does Uxcel ensure validity and reliability during the certification process?

    Our design certification process is validated by thorough evidence of content validity. It's evaluated by a panel of external industry experts to ensure the certification content accurately reflects the necessary domains and competencies. We also measure and monitor the reliability of our certification exams using well-established metrics like split-half reliability and test-retest reliability. For practical exams, we monitor inter-rater reliability to guarantee consistent application of the grading rubric by all graders.
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